Wildwood Pottery

Hand-crafted Porcelain and Stoneware


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Master Potter
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Pottery Place Plus     203 North Washington Street, Spokane, Washington  99201
potteryplaceplus.com     509-327-6920  

Pottery Place Plus, one of Spokane's treasures, is among the longest running artisan cooperatives in the Pacific Northwest.  This beautiful gallery features fine art of many types, all hand-crafted by local artists.  It is located in the historic Liberty Building in downtown Spokane, close to the Spokane Convention Center, INB Performing Arts Center, and the Davenport Grand Hotel. 

Our pots are displayed every day of the week at Pottery Place Plus.  Each time you visit, you will have an opportunity to meet one or more of the artists who create the pottery, jewelry, photography, fiber art, and much more.   


Entree Gallery     1755 Reeder Bay Rd, Nordman, Idaho  83848
entreegallery.com     208-443-2001

Our huckleberry pots are featured daily at this lovely gallery, open from May through mid-October and located a stone's throw from Priest Lake, Idaho. 


Wildwood Pottery     101 Haynes Ln, Plummer, Idaho  83851    
wildwoodpottery.com     208-659-3670

We do carry a selection of our current pottery at our studio, although many pots go to the two galleries named above.  Wildwood studio is open by appointment.


Snow Farm, The New England Craft Program
snowfarm.org          5 Clary Rd, Williamsburg, MA  01096     413-268-3101

Snow Farm offers classes in multiple artistic disciplines, something for everyone whether an accomplished artist or just a longing looker.  Instructors are drawn from the best.   I have been privileged to take a number of classes here... one of my favorite places.


Digitalfire      digitalfire.com

Digitalfire, located in Canada, is a very informative site for potters, particularly regarding glazes.  The author, Tony Hanson, has done a lot of study in the technical aspects of glaze development, including glaze calculation for potters.


Ceramic Arts Network     ceramicartsnetwork.org

Ceramic Arts publishes two wonderful magazines for the clay world, Pottery Making Illustrated and Ceramic Monthly.  In addition, Ceramic Arts Daily offers a searchable database on just about any topic in clay work.  For answers or help with anything pottery, this is one of the best places to look. 


CAGNIClay Arts Guild of North Idaho     cagni.org

CAGNI is a potters guild centered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, with the purpose of promoting clay arts in the area.  This guild was a going concern for many years, hosting the Mud and Spirits pottery show in several locations over a number of years and offering many workshops featuring local potters.   

Copyright © 2002-2019 by Merrilyn Reeves
Revised: 02/15/19 04:42 PM -0800