Wildwood Pottery

Hand-crafted Porcelain and Stoneware


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Lessons I Have Learned from Pottery

A thing (or person) doesn't have to be perfect to be loved.

A thing (or person) doesn't have to be perfect to be useful.

There are many ways to make something beautiful.

What is ugly to one person may be beautiful to someone else.

You may have a talent you never dreamed of waiting to be discovered.

Just as the potter is the only one who can say when his pot is done, so God is the judge of His creation.

He is the potter, I am the clay!

If I remain soft and tender in His hands, His job is a lot easier.

Staying in the center of God's will is hard but it's the only way to get the job done.

Trimming the excess off may be painful but it's worth it.

If I become hard, He will have to break me in order to do any further molding or changing in me.

To be really useful, you have to go through the fire.  It gets rid of the non-essentials, leaving what is really important, and you come forth changed and beautiful.

God is ever faithful!


Copyright © 2002-2019 by Merrilyn Reeves
Revised: 02/15/19 04:42 PM -0800