Wildwood Pottery

Hand-crafted Porcelain and Stoneware


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Master Potter
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   What's Next?

          Welcome to the family of God!  God has a special plan for your life, that you become more and more like Him.  Here are some things to help you grow strong in your faith, just like a tree with very deep roots.

1.  Talk to your heavenly Father every day, many times a day.  You can tell Him anything and ask for help with everything.

2.  Read the Bible every day.  God's Word is His love letter to you.

3.  Tell others about your new relationship with your heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  Share with them how they can have that same relationship.

4.  Spend time with others who also believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior.  You can encourage them and they can encourage you.

5.  Be baptized in water.

          If you just received Jesus Christ as your Savior or if you have questions, email me at masterpotter@wildwoodpottery.com.  If all I do is sell you a pot, I have done you a great disservice!  Life consists of so much more than the things we own, no matter how lovely they may be.  Truly, the best things in life are free:  relationships with God and those He gives us to love and be loved by.  God bless you abundantly!  


Copyright © 2002-2019 by Merrilyn Reeves
Revised: 02/15/19 04:42 PM -0800