Wildwood Pottery

Hand-crafted Porcelain and Stoneware


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The Relationship 

          The Master Potter is God, the one who created us, and He tells us His story in the Bible.  In fact, the Bible is the story of the deliverance of the human race from the unspeakable consequences of our wrongdoing into a close friendship with our creator, the Master Potter who made us and loves us so much.

          God designed us for a close companionship with him, a relationship that is similar to the intimate friendship of a husband and wife.  However, because God is holy, sinless, and pure, and we are just the opposite, our wrongdoing stands between us and God, preventing this relationship from ever happening. 

          God requires that the blood of a perfect sacrifice be shed to pay for that wrongdoing (He calls it sin).  Before Christ, animals were slain and the blood presented at the altar to cover the sins of the person bringing the sacrifice to the priest.  In this way, sin was only covered, but not taken away.    

          In order to completely take care of the sin problem, a sacrifice had to be found which was both human and perfect, that is, sinless.  At the right time, Jesus Christ was born.  The Bible tells us that although He was fully human, He also was fully God.  If He had been only human like you and me, He would have sinned (just as every person who has ever lived) and disqualified Himself as the perfect sacrifice.  Because He was fully human and without sin, when His blood was shed on the cross (He died in my place and yours), God accepted His blood as the payment for that penalty for sin once and for all.

         With our wrongdoing taken care of, what stands in the way of a relationship with our Creator?  Nothing!  All that we must do is ask!  Click here to find out how.       


Copyright © 2002-2019 by Merrilyn Reeves
Revised: 02/15/19 04:42 PM -0800